Headstones in St Mary’s Churchyard: Section 2 Photographs of existing headstone and memorials click an individual thumbnail to open full photograph. Use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. 100 Waghorne53 & 54 Bathurst55 Raikes56 Sims57 Sims58 Sims59 Weldon60 Weldon61 Smithe62, 63 & 64 Stringer65 Burgess66 Burgess67 & 68 Blank69 Apps70 Apps71 Bridgland72 Bridgland73 Bridgland74 Haskett-Smith75 Johnson76 Johnson77 Waters78 Freeland80 Harris81 West82 Bishop footstone in south door porch83 Webb probably84 Kingsmell85 Matthews86 Gatland87 Pooley88 Pooley89 Hayward90 Freeland91 Hayward92 Crouch93 Crouch94 Willett95 Baker probably96 Chantler97 Stanbridge98 Stanbridge99 Stanbridge