Headstones in St Mary’s Churchyard: Section 5 Photographs of existing headstone and memorials click an individual thumbnail to open full photograph. Use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. 432 Lyndridge or Oakel433 Ongley434 Ongley435 Ongley436 Scoones437 Scoones438 Godfrey439 Cutbush440 Penfold441 Davye442 Penfold443 Miller445 Sattin446 Sundial448 Woollven.jpeg449 Woollven450 Rayner451 Woollven452, 453, 454 Clarke455 Beeching456 Beeching457 Drawbridge459, 460, 461 Newington461 Newington463 Elliott464 Hills464 Webb465 Bellingham466 Jones467 Jones468 Poile469 Clemetson470 Kemp471 Smart472 Thompson473 Durrant474, 475 Springett476 Springett