The parish magazine of St Mary’s Church, Goudhurst often includes a section under the heading Village Echoes. These are written by members of the Society and over the years have covered a large range of historical aspects of Goudhurst and Kilndown.

To view click on the links below to open a PDF copy.

2008 Fete    Parish Hall    Swans on the Pond    Telephone

2009 Aircraft lands at Trillinghurst   Ambulance   Clocks    Paupers    Roads

2010 Bankruptcies       Birds        Builders     Fair     Goudhurst Gas Works   

Lidwells & the French Gardens     Methodist Church    Rifle Volunteers   Roadmen     Thrift Club

2011 Bricklayers     Glebe Field    Hop Shelters    Poachers     Post Office

2012 Agricultural Association    Alfred Fitzhugh  Fire Brigade  Goudhurst Rifle Club

Goudhurst Prosecuting Society    Paine’s Folly     Puritans    Rope Making & Rope Walk

2013  1881- population  Bell ringers strike  Catholic Church    Charitable Gifts    Cricket

Goudhurst Benefit Society    Lost Pubs  Pinehurst School    Tollgates

2014  Butchers  Early Vicars   Fete 1921   Goudhurst in August 1914     Joseph Ridgway

Local History Society 50th Anniversary   News from the past   Parish register comments

Water Trough  William Cogger

2015  Dibley Cycle Shop  Goudhurst Men at Waterloo  Jaffa – Napoleon’s Horse

John Gordon Stirling    Lumps & Bumps in Bedgebury Forest   Parachute Mines   Priors Heath

Restoration of St Mary’s Windows   Stoney Lane    Tattlebury Asylum

2016  Bands of Goudhurst    Combwell Priory    Crimean troops in Goudhurst 1856

Goudhurst Men and the Battle of the Somme    James Ager    Listed Headstones

Mesopotamia and Goudhurst   New Road of 1768    River and Mills   Scope Mead  

Snippets from St Mary’s Churchyard

2017  Beresford Road     Bonfire Night     Canterbury Connections      Chandler Sisters  Crime

Early Goudhurst Postmen    Election Fever    Frog’s Hole   Goudhurst Village Pond   

Kilndown Cricket Club    Notes from St Mary’s Baptism Registers      William Bagshaw Harrison

2018  Amos Mercer      Barnados Children    Drake Panel in Kilndown Church

Egg and Poultry Depot    Hilder Policeman     Kilndown Methodist Chapel    Lathes and Hundreds

Manors (1)    Manors (2)    Relief of Mafeking    William Drake   Women’s Organisations

2019 Charcoal Burning  Daniel West and the 1811 Census  Fire at the Vicarage 

Irish Lay Subsidy  Just a Minute    Peace celebrations 1919     Rebuilding the Church Tower

Telegrams     Travel      Witchcraft

2020  1851 Census of Goudhurst    An Untimely Death in 1910     Good for whatever ails you

Goudhurst During the Battle of Britain – Planes    In Sickness and in Health  Markets and Fairs

Pillory Corner  VE Day Celebrations in Goudhurst

2021  Christmas    Covid 19 pandemic 2020 in Goudhurst    Goudhurst & Kilndown Gymkhanas

Goudhurst Census      Goudhurst Entertainment    Keeping the Village Educated and Sober

The Marthas of the Church

2022 Artefacts from the Archives – Coat of Arms    Church Door with Bullets

Curious Burials in Kilndown   Jubilees     Oil in Goudhurst     Re-Purposed Buildings

Riseden postcards   Rough Music     The Grapes     Water Supply

2023  Beer & Cheer    Christmas Album    From Kilndown to Christmas Island

Hops in Kilndown  More Light on the Cenotaph    Murders and Deaths at Goudhurst 

New Year Changes    Ox Rib of Goudhurst     Scotney Dig    Summer Memories 

Water Colour Painting    Water Colour Painting Update  

2024  Great Flood of 1960    Kilndown Women’s Institute    Spurways   Taxi     Treacherous Travel

Village Hall Revisited      Weald Cyder Company     Where is History