The records searchable on this website are copied from the transcripts of the St Mary’s Parish Registers. Although most burials would have taken  place in the churchyard after 1873 the registers also record those buried in the Victorian Cemetery and the Burial Ground. The Society has access to the separate burial records of both these cemeteries. If you cannot find your ancestor in this burial list and they died after 1873, please contact us and we will check them for you.

The data can be searched on any of the headings – simply choose the desired term from the drop down box. NB: where a last name or first name is recorded as Blank, then this indicates there is no information in the register. It is not someone’s name.

Last NameFirst Nameday buriedmonth buriedyear buriedageyears months dayscomments
Osbourne William 6 Oct 1875 65 Years The Town
Thurgood Lawrence 15 Oct 1875 78 Years The Parsonage
Hammond Mary Laura 22 Oct 1875 23 Months Mill Cottages
Lewin Sarah 28 Oct 1875 63 Years Southend Essex
Brand Martha 1 Nov 1875 69 Years Stony Lane
Carlow Thomas 17 Nov 1875 56 Years Ladham Cottages
Hitch Mary Ann 18 Nov 1875 28 Years Ashford
Briscoe John Charles 20 Nov 1875 28 Years Winchet Hill
Stanbridge Charles Harry 26 Nov 1875 11 Months Trottenden Lane
Barden Harriet 12 Dec 1875 1 Years Iden Green
Southon Charles 19 Dec 1875 77 Years The Town
Clancey Emily 24 Dec 1875 4 Months Wickham's Row
Waghorn Daniel 29 Dec 1875 79 Years Cranbroo Union House
Potten Thomas 31 Dec 1875 76 Years Smugley Farm
Martin George Henry 7 Feb 1876 1 Years Maypole Farm
Chesson Jesse 7 Feb 1876 75 Years Ladham Farm
Cruttenden Eliza 18 Feb 1876 71 Years Four Wents Cranbrook
Giles John 13 Mar 1876 40 Years Eight Bells
Apps Charles Meads 8 Apr 1876 6 Years Ratcliff House
Jenner Elizabeth 8 Apr 1876 33 Years Harper's Farm
Morris Richard 8 Apr 1876 56 Years The Town
Sullivan James 12 Apr 1876 66 Years Trottenden
Watchouse Susan 4 May 1876 73 Years Wickham's Row
Boorman Thomas Edward Luke 3 Jun 1876 8 Years Wellbutt Row
Haylor Henry 18 Jun 1876 80 Years The Town (found drowned in Balcomb's Pond)
Broadbridge Walter George 23 Jun 1876 2 Years The Town
Wickham Humphrey 29 Jun 1876 35 Years Stonewall House Hunton
Penfold John 16 Jul 1876 81 Years Clothes Lodge
Couchman William 19 Jul 1876 73 Years Wickham's Row
Penfold Edward Alfred 3 Aug 1876 1 Year Wickham's Row