The records searchable on this website are copied from the transcripts of the St Mary’s Parish Registers. Although most burials would have taken  place in the churchyard after 1873 the registers also record those buried in the Victorian Cemetery and the Burial Ground. The Society has access to the separate burial records of both these cemeteries. If you cannot find your ancestor in this burial list and they died after 1873, please contact us and we will check them for you.

The data can be searched on any of the headings – simply choose the desired term from the drop down box. NB: where a last name or first name is recorded as Blank, then this indicates there is no information in the register. It is not someone’s name.

Last NameFirst Nameday buriedmonth buriedyear buriedageyears months dayscomments
Roberts Eliza 20 Sep 1889 4 Months Hopping, from Heathfield Sussex
Palmer Susannah 17 Oct 1889 28 Years The Forstall
Weller William 21 Oct 1889 70 Years Union House Cranbrook
Watkins James 4 Nov 1889 57 Years Paynes Farm Kilndown
Thompson John William 8 Nov 1889 57 Years Tattlebury Yard
Pearson Edith 5 Dec 1889 21 Years Iden Green
Allwork John 9 Dec 1889 74 Years The Town
Gower Mary 16 Dec 1889 85 Years Hunts Alley
Manktellow Ernest 21 Dec 1889 5 Months Hunts Alley
Freeland Minnie Stephana 31 Dec 1889 22 Years Mona Villa Tonbridge
Giles Charles 27 Feb 1890 72 Years Marshalls Gate Bedgebury
Lavender Hannah 8 Mar 1890 63 Years Comborne
Styles Thomas 17 Mar 1890 71 Years Union House Cranbrook
Pearson Thomas Ernest 27 Mar 1890 11 Months Iden Green
Brooks Alice 4 Apr 1890 12 Years Worms Hill
Dadswell Thomas 9 Apr 1890 68 Years Union House Cranbrook
Honess Hannah 12 Apr 1890 75 Years Crowborne
Marley Alfred 1 May 1890 44 Years Union House Cranbrook
Gower Phoebe 26 May 1890 41 Years Hunts Alley
Waterman Henry 5 Jun 1890 86 Years Ratcliff Cottages
Wenham Edward 6 Jun 1890 74 Years Maidstone
Bellingham Mary 19 Jul 1890 92 Years Risebridge Farm
Stanbridge Eliza 2 Aug 1890 56 Years Trottenden Lane
Honess Alfred 10 Sep 1890 31 Years Great Cheveney Marden
Clements Ellen 30 Sep 1890 39 Years Hopping at Swan Farm (age from GRO index)
Sands Hannah 16 Oct 1890 36 Years Iden Green
Vousden Charlotte 19 Nov 1890 41 Years Hope Mill Cottages
Styles Mildred Jane 3 Dec 1890 6 Months Wickams Row
Brand Thomas 17 Jan 1891 85 Years Union House Cranbrook (born 1807)
Standen Sophia 21 Jan 1891 76 Years Stony Lane