The records searchable on this website are copied from the transcripts of the St Mary’s Parish Registers. Although most burials would have taken  place in the churchyard after 1873 the registers also record those buried in the Victorian Cemetery and the Burial Ground. The Society has access to the separate burial records of both these cemeteries. If you cannot find your ancestor in this burial list and they died after 1873, please contact us and we will check them for you.

The data can be searched on any of the headings – simply choose the desired term from the drop down box. NB: where a last name or first name is recorded as Blank, then this indicates there is no information in the register. It is not someone’s name.

Last NameFirst Nameday buriedmonth buriedyear buriedageyears months dayscomments
Southon David 4 Jan 1895 66 Years The Plain
Bridgland James Alfred 14 Jan 1895 13 Months Hobb's Cottages
Bartholomew Mary 22 Jan 1895 40 Years Morebreddy's
Pilbeam Mary Jane 28 Jan 1895 14 Years Green Trees Cottage
Slarks William 2 Feb 1895 80 Years Cranbrook Union House
Spice Charles 8 Feb 1895 64 Years Yew Tree Cottage
Sellens Thomas 28 Feb 1895 76 Years Underhill
Dyer Harriet 6 Apr 1895 78 Years Stony Lane
Maynard James 10 Apr 1895 43 Years Jarvis' Farm
Pearce Timothy Charles 13 Apr 1895 80 Years Iden Green
Martin Mary Ann 13 May 1895 84 Years The Coffee House
Slack Frederick 31 May 1895 16 Months Hop-hovel at Ladham
Waghorn Henry 3 Jun 1895 6 Years Trottenden Cottages
Stevens Emily 4 Jun 1895 83 Years Post Office
Apps Eliza 24 Jun 1895 75 Years from Maidstone
Jones Mary 4 Jul 1895 76 Years Hill Top Brenchley
Wickham Thomas 5 Jul 1895 84 Years Summerhill
Sellens Harriet 10 Aug 1895 36 Years Stony Lane
Bartholomew Mary 20 Aug 1895 79 Years Morebreddy's
Foster Richard 9 Sep 1895 79 Years Church Row
Harris Phoebe Elizabeth 9 Sep 1895 5 Months Hopping at Blue Barn
Page Rosa 12 Sep 1895 8 Years Hopping at Winchet Hill
Smith Haskett 11 Oct 1895 83 Years Trowsell
Martin George 9 Nov 1895 77 Years Beresford road
Rootes Jane 3 Dec 1895 47 Years The Town
Vinall Charles 14 Dec 1895 11 Years Providence Place The Gore
Fry Rosa 11 Jan 1896 58 Years The Star & Crown Inn
Burgess Louisa Frances 5 Feb 1896 35 Years Green Trees
Brabon Rosa May 15 Feb 1896 1 Year Wickham's Row
Dadswell Robert 29 Feb 1896 72 Years Winchet Hill