The records searchable on this website are copied from the transcripts of the St Mary’s Parish Registers. Although most burials would have taken  place in the churchyard after 1873 the registers also record those buried in the Victorian Cemetery and the Burial Ground. The Society has access to the separate burial records of both these cemeteries. If you cannot find your ancestor in this burial list and they died after 1873, please contact us and we will check them for you.

The data can be searched on any of the headings – simply choose the desired term from the drop down box. NB: where a last name or first name is recorded as Blank, then this indicates there is no information in the register. It is not someone’s name.

Last NameFirst Nameday buriedmonth buriedyear buriedageyears months dayscomments
Martin Frances Mary 24 Dec 1900 61 Years North Road
Brackfield George 31 Jan 1901 81 Years Frog's Hole
Sellens Elizabeth 16 Mar 1901 80 Years Stony Lane
Carr Kathleen 2 Apr 1901 8 Months Stony Lane
Butler William 8 Apr 1901 63 Years Yew Tree Cottages
Brabon Edith Letty 18 May 1901 11 Years Hunt's Alley
Alexander Robert Henry 30 May 1901 63 Years 24. Hans Place London
Green Ethel 71 Jun 1901 7 Months North road
Richards Mary Ann 24 Jun 1901 27 Years The Stream
Bridgland Esther 24 Jul 1901 38 Years Iden Green
Brand John 24 Aug 1901 66 Years Old Workhouse
Apps William 19 Sep 1901 73 Years Church Villa
Vousden Mary Isabella 21 Sep 1901 79 Years Holly Cottages
Light Samuel 30 Sep 1901 3 Years Union House Cranbrook
Weller Harry 25 Oct 1901 47 Years 51. Bolingbroke Road W. Kensington Park (Coroner's Order)
Chenery William George 16 Nov 1901 13 Months Old Workhouse
Skinner Edith Fanny 25 Nov 1901 26 Days Crowborne Cottage
Burgess Ernest 27 Nov 1901 8 Years Etchinghole
Excell Elizabeth 28 Nov 1901 85 Years Union House Crambrook
Taylor Minnie 9 Jan 1902 25 Years Iden Green
Large William 30 Jan 1902 71 Years Taywell
Sargant George 12 Feb 1902 59 Years Union House Cranbrook
Ashdown Lucy Sarah 14 Feb 1902 7 Months Shear Farm
Apps Hannah 15 Feb 1902 81 Years Church Row
Giles Charlotte 27 Feb 1902 89 Years Union House Cranbrook
Giles Joseph William 7 Mar 1902 1 Month Eight Bells Goudhurst
Bridgland James 19 Mar 1902 87 Years Bricklayers' Arms
Williams Sarah 7 Apr 1902 75 Years Mill House Cottages
Johnson Isaac Baker 26 Apr 1902 71 Years The Lees, Willesboro' Kent
Carlow Mary 2 May 1902 80 Years Ladham Cottgaes