The records searchable on this website are copied from the transcripts of the St Mary’s Parish Registers. Although most burials would have taken  place in the churchyard after 1873 the registers also record those buried in the Victorian Cemetery and the Burial Ground. The Society has access to the separate burial records of both these cemeteries. If you cannot find your ancestor in this burial list and they died after 1873, please contact us and we will check them for you.

The data can be searched on any of the headings – simply choose the desired term from the drop down box. NB: where a last name or first name is recorded as Blank, then this indicates there is no information in the register. It is not someone’s name.

Last NameFirst Nameday buriedmonth buriedyear buriedageyears months dayscomments
Baker Charles Dennet Dorner 6 Feb 1906 47 Years Morebreddy's Goudhurst
Williams Susanna 7 Feb 1906 74 Years 71. Stone Street Tunbridge Wells
Hopperton Henry 15 Feb 1906 69 Years South View
Wilmshurst John 28 Feb 1906 90 Years The Town
West Emily 2 Mar 1906 23 Years Smugley Farm
Ellis Maria 19 Mar 1906 35 Years Smugley (from Wadhurst) (Coroner's Order)
Harris Mary Eliza 26 Apr 1906 46 Years Lime Trees Farm
Newington Adele 5 May 1906 90 Years From Hastings, St. Leonards 49 Eversfield Place
Swan James 7 May 1906 80 Years from Infirmary. Folkestone. (Chy Yard)
Vousden Jessie Louise 14 May 1906 1 Month 4. Beresford Road
Hone Leslie Hope 28 May 1906 10 Years North Road - Stony Lane
Honess Mary 21 Jul 1906 73 Years Great Cheveney, Marden (Ch. Yd)
Baker Caroline Augusta 21 Aug 1906 68 Years Morebreddy's
Watkins Mary 29 Aug 1906 85 Years Ranter's Hall, South Road (Ch yard)
Beaney Janet 3 Sep 1906 1 Month Hopping at Trottenden
Barber Nelly 4 Sep 1906 9 Years Hopping at Blue Farm
Barrett Fanny 12 Sep 1906 1 Year Hopping at Harts Heath
Wilmshurst Alfred 19 Sep 1906 48 Years from Eastbourne (Coroner's Order) (Knocked down by motor car)
Growns George Thomas 22 Sep 1906 29 Years Ballard's Stables
Perry Elizabeth 22 Sep 1906 92 Years Peene House Newington, by Hythe
Swift Dinah 24 Sep 1906 68 Years Hope Mill Cottages
Stevens Matida Mary 2 Oct 1906 87 Years Post Office, North Road. (Church Yard)
King William Arthur 8 Oct 1906 39 Years North Road
Golding Harriett 1 Dec 1906 38 Years Old Workhouse
Broad Emily 28 Jan 1907 70 Years East House
Apps Richard 5 Feb 1907 31 Years Union House Cranbrook
Berwick Sarah 19 Mar 1907 68 Years Taywell Cottages
Chantler Sarah 21 Mar 1907 73 years Winchet Hill Marden
Metland William 25 Mar 1907 57 Years Cherry Gardens Cottages
Martin Stephen 2 Apr 1907 76 Years Maypole Lane