Headstones in St Mary’s Churchyard: Section 3 Photographs of existing headstone and memorials click an individual thumbnail to open full photograph. Us the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. 101 Chantler102 Doust104 Doust105 Doust106 Wickham107 Stanbridge110 Drury111 Chantler112 Farley113 Morris114 Brooker115 Standen116 Standen117 Standen118 Smith118 Smith possible footstone119 Stoakes120 Pierce121 Lansdell122 Lansdell123 Lansdell124 Martin125 Onions352 Usherwood353 Forward354 Collison355 Collison356 Rowles357 Rowles358 Baker359 Baker360 Baker361 Baker363 Standen364 Honess365 Honess366 Honess367 Holbrook368 Honess369 Collison370 Davis371 no inscription372 Twort373 Constable374 Usherwood376 Cloutt377 Freeland378 Waghorn379 Brattle380 Brightridge381 Cutbush477 Ruddock478 RuddockDSCF1026