Headstones in St Mary’s Churchyard: Section 6 Photographs of existing headstone and memorials click an individual thumbnail to open full photograph. Use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. 1049 Tolhurst151 Collens152 Smith153 Hoare154 Hoare155 Hoare156 Osborne157 Fuggle158 Ratcliffe159 Bridgland160 Light161 Light162 Light163 Light164 Fennell165 Stephens166 Stephens167 Bunnett169 Bearsby170 no inscription171 Fuller172 Jury173 Collens174 Collens175 Heath176 Besbeech177 Collens178 Besbeech179 Lambert180 Collens181 Bates182 Brownless183 no inscription184 Jeffery185 Fuggle186 Collens187 Wickham188 Wickham189 Diplock190 Wickham191 illegible192 Keable193 Field194 Field195 Hanson196 Hanson197 Hanson198 Wickham199 Hammond200 Tanner201 Hammond202 Hammond203 & 204 Wickham